
WordPress Performance Guides and Reviews

WordPress hosting

Honest WordPress hosting reviews, tips for server management and speeding up website performance.

Looking for a webhost?
See my recent BEST WordPress Hosting Reviews! (UPDATED 2024)
You can also try my ultra-fast webhosting service JohnnyVPS.

WordPress plugins

Honest WordPress plugin reviews. See the best (and worst) plugins for shopping, memberships, forums, forms...and also back-end management like caching, backup, image compression, spam-blocking, tracking, user management, etc.

See my best WordPress plugins and worst WordPress plugins, also my WPJ WordPress plugins.

WordPress marketing

Marketing tips to stand out from the crowd. Learn how to grow traffic and leave an impact on users: traditional marketing, online marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing and so forth. I also cover paid traffic and advertising (Facebook ads, Google Adwords).

WordPress blogging

Everything about blogging. Writing, copy-writing, and motivation. I also cover the entrepreneurial aspects such as monetization, advertising, affiliates, and other methods of making money with your blog.

WordPress themes

Guides for WordPress themes and all WordPress design matters. Learn about themes, pagebuilders, frameworks...and all web design customizations. Make your site sexy AND functional!

See my favorite WordPress themes (updated 2023)


Reviews of any tech-related or tech-appreciated gadgets and services. Basically, stuff that might not fit in other categories.

WordPress development

Tips and tricks for all WordPress-related development and coding practices.